Thursday, October 23, 2014

Plant Update

Since we put the seeds into the plastic bags our plants have grown tremendously. Our plants have gone from being a little white stem coming out from a little brown seed to being a big green plants. The color has gone from white and green to a darker green. It has grown to be huge.

Plant Factors

Some of the Abiotic factors in the environment that may affect our plants could be the soil, amount of sunlight, water, and the temperature.
Some Biotic factors in the environment could be certain insects or squirrels that could possibly run over our plants.
The plants could be competing against other plants using the same soil. The winner or the loser in this situation would be determined on the biotic and abiotic factors that the competing plant has. This could be difficult to determine sometimes because the plants could use the same amount of room or have the same factors.
The plants could be interacting with some insects. This effects the plant because the insect could be eating our plant and the insect could be effected because if it eats too much of the plant it could run out.
It would be primary succession because the ecosystem is growing.

Our Plants

My plants this week have grown a lot. There is also holes in a couple of the leafs so that shows that other organisms are feeding off our plants. The plants have been taking in water. The plants have been releasing carbon into the atmosphere. The plants have also been fixing the bacteria in the plants.

Friday, October 10, 2014

About our project

Our subtile is meh. The purpose of this project is that we understand how to plant plants but so much more. We can learn more about broccolis and what conditions to plant them in. We also get to find out some good tips to help the plants grow like to cover straw around it. Covering straw helps to not get runoff and it keeps the water concentrated on the plants. The soil will not be picked off because of the straw. And that is just a small portion of what we learned and are going to learn in the future.

About Our Project

Our lever subtitle is Meh: The purpose of this project was to understand the conditions that a living organism needs to survive. This would benefit us in the future incase we want to plant something. Also, it can help us understand the types of resources that plants need to grow. So in conclusion, this project was meant to teach us what exact resources living organisms need to survive.